“ATTACHMENT” на українській мові


інші переклади

devotion loyalty fidelity allegiance attachment adhesion
loyalty fidelity faithfulness allegiance faith attachment
набирання чінності
накладення арешту
attachment arrest
attachment fixture
adaptation device adjustment fittings accommodation attachment



bond with closeness to/with devotion to loyalty to fondness for love for affection for feeling for relationship with


What if, subconsciously, Sam had developed an attachment to or longing for the Beach—one that paralleled his feelings toward his sister and mother?

”MARK MORRIS, AUTHOR OF TOADY, STITCH AND MANY MORE“The Loosening Skin works as a quirky new weird thriller, but its triumph lies in the way Whiteley uses the metaphor of shedding skin to examine the tortured process of love and attachment.

“I need to sever the love and the selfish attachment I feel to undo the knot.

Its attachment to this world disappears.

No matter how much I try to convince myself, I just can’t erase my attachment to this world.

A fantasy museum born of an anonymous someone’s lingering attachment toward America that connected to this world.

Those whose bodies were wiped out in an instant without necrotizing or being incinerated don’t become BTs, but their attachment toward this world keeps their ka from leaving the Beach.

The dead who had necrotized retained a lingering attachment to this world—not just to their own ha, but to all living things—and became stranded here, unable to move on to the world of the dead.

Destroying a BT meant severing whatever lingering attachment the wandering dead had to this world and sending them back where they belonged.

Would she still have felt a strong attachment to America and tried to come back?

“If that strong attachment to this world and the yearning to stay connected to it created that battlefield, then that might support my theory about voidout victims becoming trapped on the Beach.