“AUTHORITIES” на українській мові


інші переклади

administration authorities
органи влади



government regime power jurisdiction command control charge dominance rule sovereignty supremacy influence clout


On filing the claim with the authorities the exact location of the field had to be given.

The guilds’ marked their members with small tattoos there, a danger if they were caught by the authorities but one they were willing to risk as it ensured complete loyalty.

You can’t expect them to treat you in any other way, considering how they have been treated by the church, by the Spanish authorities, and by their own authorities for four hundred years.

There are hundreds of orders given by the government or by other authorities of which they may have broken many without knowing it, so it is best not to be seen by soldiers.

I’m only taking command in Falvar until things settle and security can be reestablished by the proper authorities.

Had she killed anyone else and the authorities discovered Joy had been driving, her parents could have been sued for involuntary manslaughter.

This is why these men were wearing upon their breasts a picture of the Virgin or Saint Joseph, and why they go to church and pray an hour before the statue of San Antonio whenever they are on their way to commit a wholesale murder or a train-assault or a highway hold-up, praying to the statues before and after the deed and begging the saint to protect them in their crime against the shots the victim may fire at them, and to protect them afterwards against the authorities.

The problem was to pack them well away between the dried hides so that any examination of the packs by authorities or by bandits would not reveal them.

Before don Manuel had left the city he had secured from the authorities all necessary papers giving him permission to prospect for metals and making him the sole owner of mines he should discover.

The authorities leave no room for doubt.

Here authorities were so hard pressed from all sides and from all quarters that they no longer could cope with the growing unrest all over the country.