“BATTLED” на українській мові


інші переклади

fight battle combat struggle spar bustle
шикувати в бойовий порядок
embattle battle
fight struggle combat strive wrestle contend



force push elbow shoulder fight struggle labor


Cassian thrashed against Azriel, bellowing at Rhys to stop it, stop hurting her—Rhys’s darkness pushed down, and Nesta’s flame battled upward, as if their two powers were swords clashing in battle, fighting for the advantage.

In this refuge for the past, individual tradesmen battled crippling rents and ever more proficient industry to earn a living.

“The people who lived here, and who eventually joined the kingdom as we know it, battled some enemy that has been forgotten through time.

Az battled it out with six soldiers at once, left wing limp and bleeding, his own Siphons blazing.

But he walked to where silver fire and darkest night battled.

One of the shelters belonged to the Geologist, who Sam had battled through the blizzard to visit.

A few solo warriors ignored them as they trudged past, covered in blood, all heading east; a few packs battled each other; and many more bodies lay on the cold earth.

This male who had faced down enemy armies, who had battled to the brink of death more times than she cared to count, who had fought so many dangers it was a miracle he lived … he was nervous.

” Tears of frustration were in his eyes as he battled his guilt.

Azriel and Cassian devised more training simulations, and they moved through them as a unit, thought and battled as a unit.

That was why he had battled the winds and traipsed all the way up the sides of these snow-capped peaks.