“BERKSHIRE” на українській мові



Unlike most mass-produced pigs, which have had much of their fat bred out of them, Berkshires have a healthy marbling of fat that gives the hams they yield a rich, meaty texture; cherry, apple, and hickory smoking adds flavor.

But, as with all coloured pig breeds, the Berkshire suffered a serious decline in popularity following World War II when the demand for leaner bacon from white-skinned pigs increased and then in the 1960s with the development of breeding companies that favoured white breeds.

The Berkshire pig is the oldest breed of pig in Britain, but its numbers are dwindling.

The nineteen British pigs that flew to Japan were made up of seven British Landrace, two Welsh, eight Large White and two Berkshires .

On the pig front, we've got Gloucester Old Spots, Tamworths, Berkshires and even Middlewhites - wonderful beasts with squashed noses.