“BETRAYED” на українській мові


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revealed disclosed betrayed



be disloyal to be unfaithful to double-cross cross break faith with inform on/against give away denounce sell out stab in the back break one's promise to rat on fink on sell down the river squeal on rat on/out finger


She knows she has no right to be, but she feels betrayed.

She couldn’t have said what betrayed him.

”“He was betrayed and captured by the spellcaster that came bearing warnings yesterday,” explained Rew.

With my treacherous lover Jehal beside me and a litter of corpses in our wake, I took the Adamantine Throne for my own; but my lover betrayed me for his starling bride and so dragons filled the skies with fire and screams and men died and neither one of us cared a whit save that the other should fall.

You betrayed me knowingly, you colluded with the Goddriver.

Or maybe it betrayed the truth-seeker in him that had eventually been caught up in this doctrine of extinction.

”“He betrayed you?

” Cassian hadn’t dealt much with the ousted human queen—the only good one out of the surviving group, who had been betrayed by her fellow queens when they’d sold her to a sorcerer-lord who’d cursed her to be a firebird by day, woman by night.

He made no cry, and gave no motion that betrayed his intention.

”“You betrayed us, it was your price.

Until he had been betrayed by his own queen and his fiercest general, and lost the sword to them, and the lands fell into darkness once more.