“BLOCKED” на українській мові


інші переклади

dammed blocked
frozen refrigerated blocked glace



out of use


clog (up) stop up choke plug obstruct gum up dam up congest jam close gunge up occlude


Rew started forward, but the green cloud roiled, and he was blocked as two giant conjurings stepped forth from the mist.

“It’s narrow and is blocked easily when there is snow and ice.

The trainofficials, knowing with whom they would have to deal, ordered the engine of the passenger-train brought in by that brave engineer to go ahead of the emergency train to make sure that the tracks were still in condition and not broken or blocked.

”“The bay is blocked!

On his way here, Sam had seen the dense chiral clouds that blocked out the sky illuminated by bands of light.

The light of the sun was completely blocked out and a pall of darkness covered the landscape.

”Rew nodded and pointed at the fallen rock which blocked the end of the gully.

A fall of rock blocked his way, ramming down right before his nose.

“Right,” Cassian panted through gritted teeth as he blocked Az’s kick and bounced a step back, circling again.

The more important booty was on the farther side of the wreck, where the train could not go, for the wreck blocked the way.

Cassian blocked out the memory of the man’s neck being snapped.