“BROOK” на українській мові


інші переклади

tolerate endure suffer abide forbear brook
stream creek brook streamlet rivulet brooklet



stream creek streamlet rivulet rill brooklet runnel bourn burn beck


tolerate allow stand bear abide put up with endure accept permit countenance stomach stand for hack suffer


Down he went on his knees by the little brook near the camp and lapped up the water like a thirsty dog.

When, in the beginning, they had found that there was no water for washing the dirt, and that the water was so far down, it was proposed that the diggings should be carried by the burros down to the brook to be washed there.

Just then Curtin returned from hauling water from the brook below with the help of the burros.

The rangers had their own rites, and their hope was that the body’s return to the earth was speedy, that the memory of the ranger lived on not in the minds of friends and family, but in the sighs of the wind through the living trees of the forest, the laughing of a brook as it bubbled over rocks, and the call of the animals as they roamed where few men dared to go.

There were Tyn in the brook now encased in stone beneath the street, and the pounding of the Great Tides on the cliffs could be heard on quiet nights in place of industry’s clamour.

At times he went with a bagful of sand down to the brook to wash it.

”As the working-field had no water, it had to be carried on burros’ backs from a brook about three hundred and fifty feet lower than the field.