“CARAMBA” на українській мові



No, Oscar won't quit and go out of business and try out for American Idol but he may have to record another CD-aye caramba !

It is ‘an eminently foolish book - overdrawn, overlong, underconsidered, and filled with at least one forehead-slapping ay caramba per page.’

Any parent knows that when you tell a child that something is ‘good’ for them, they tend to run the other way faster than Bart Simpson can say, ‘Ay caramba !’

Aye caramba, Baltimore has a good defense, and aye caramba , did it ever win the coaching-prep battle.

Loads of Evesham stuff, including 5 fleeces, 10 ‘nearly high quality’ t-shirts, 5 copies of Go Back for Windows 98 (ay caramba !)