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’ Which was how they’d done it before, silver chains lifting the net into place while dozens of slaves laboured beneath to raise the frame that would hold it.
‘Show me which gondola is his and Diamond Eye will pluck it off its chains as you or I might pluck an apple off a tree.
Eventually, life crawled out of the sea and onto the land, where it became a slave to gravity on the frontier known as the earth’s surface and formed new chains of existence.
Perhaps if it had spoken its thoughts into theirs and broken their chains then they would have turned on the little ones, but as Silence reached the open air, it swiftly forgot them amid the chaos of thunder and lightning as the little ones fought one another.
’Tsen touched his rod to the chains and watched them let go.
Baros Tsen T’Varr, Shrin Chrias Kwen, Mai’Choiro Kwen, Sea Lords Shonda and Quai’Shu to be sent in chains to Khalishtor to have her verdict read out in the Crown of the Sea Lords before all the assembled lords of the thirteen cities.
The dragon still held a gondola in its forelimbs; now it leaned forward, the glasship chains clamped between its teeth, dangling limp.
He nervously glanced at every pack, checking for chains and running faster when did not see them.
Tuvacs ran his chains to the bottom of the bar and yanked hard.
The glasship swayed and sank under the dragon’s weight, and then one by one the silver chains snapped.
They snapped at one another and shrieked and tugged their chains.