“CHOROID,” на українській мові



Defects are observed inside the melanosomes distributed on the skin, peritoneum and choroid membrane, but melanosomes in the pigment epithelial cells are terminally differentiated.

Medaka P is strongly expressed in the eyeball of embryos and adults, where melanin is produced in the choroid membrane and retinal pigment epithelium.

Choroidal melanoma is a tumor of the eye that forms from pigmented cells of the choroid , a layer of vascular tissue in the back of the eye.

In this condition, fluid accumulates under the retina because of a leaky blood vessel in the choroid , a layer of blood vessels located under the retina.

The choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle is united with the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle via the choroid fissure between thalamus and fornix.