“CLAWED” на українській мові


інші переклади

дерти кігтями
scratch scrape claw scrabble
дряпати кігтями
claw crab
жадібно хапати
rake rake in pull in claw scoop up





scratch lacerate tear rip scrape graze dig into


Its body, the size of a dog, was hunched down, clawed feet gripping the wood of the tree.

He’d taken her over and over, and she’d clawed at him and torn his skin every time, as if she could climb into him and fuse their souls.

Once in motion it strutted across the bailey, its clawed feet splashing in puddles in the uneven cobbling.

The drowned circled outside, those that had recovered from the blast attempted to get within, but there was some barrier they could not breach, and they clawed helplessly at the edge of the water with their bony fingers and puffed corpse flesh, dead jaws snapping their frustration.

Deep purring sounds vibrated from his chest through her fingers as she clawed off his jacket, his shirt, ripping through the fabric.

Her fingers clawed at the circlet.

He choked and clawed at it.

It crashed to the ground, clawed feet kicking in the dirt, wings flapping helplessly“Stay back!

The Harp hummed against her skin, as if it still held its final note, from the last time it had been used—Fae screamed, pounding on stone that hadn’t been there a moment before, pleading for their children’s sakes, begging to be let out let out let out—Nesta had the sensation of falling, tumbling through air and stars and time—It was a trap, and our people were too blind to see it—Eons and stars and darkness plunged around her—The Fae clawed at stone, tearing their nails on rock where there had once been a door.

It crawled and clawed its way a few feet towards her and then shuddered and stopped.

Tsen clawed at the glass collar around his throat and then gave up.