“COLOURS” на українській мові


інші переклади

кольорова білизна
emblem badge colors blazon cognizance colours
badge pin colors ensign ideograph ideogram
flag banner standard ensign colors gonfalon
спортивна форма
colors colours


The gondola ramp had been contrived with shapes and colours and contoured silver to look like a forked tongue, inviting them into the maw of a jade-fanged dragon.

The remaining three, at the rear, supported tents and wooden apartments painted gaudy colours.

Some were made of scavenged sails and stolen flags, their colours bleached by salt water.

They were glorious armies, beautiful and exotic, with such colours that they shimmered as rainbows across the land.

Men, women and children, black-skinned Taiytakei, slaves of all colours.

His clan lights pulsed strong colours in challenge.

A small group of Taiytakei went inside – a hsian, two t’varrs and a handful of lesser kwens, judging by the colours and feathers they wore and the braids of their hair.

From underneath it was simply a black void in the sky; now, from above, with the sinking sun lighting its clouds, it became a sea of colours stretched out before him, swirls of purple and violet streaked with white and wisps of orange fire like frozen flames, flickering with inner lightning.

The buildings looked sturdy enough, but the colours weren’t coherent.

What colours will I be?

They blazed with inner radiance, a pure, white luminance like starlight, so bright their armour’s colours were washed out by it.