“CONCERNED” на українській мові


інші переклади

що має відношення
busy occupied engaged concerned booked in work
concerned worried anxious ill at ease
interested concerned engaged
involved concerned participating privy



worried anxious upset perturbed troubled distressed uneasy apprehensive agitated


be about deal with have to do with cover discuss go into examine study review analyze relate to pertain to


No sale as far as I’m concerned.

Either way, Rew was becoming concerned it would be nearly impossible to untangle himself from the mess, whatever it was.

“Feyre and I were concerned that Beron would try to free the inmates to use in a conflict—just as we used the Bone Carver in the war.

As long as she spoke softly, Rew wasn’t overly concerned.

Heartman had been looking at a map of the continent on the monitor with a concerned look on his face.

Mor, a step behind, gave her a concerned nod, and then winnowed away.

“I can’t tell you if Duke Eeron knows what’s happening or not, but either way, the duke is not who you should be concerned with.

She told herself she was concerned for Azriel, too.

” she asks, concerned he won’t get through security in time to board.

Managing how they were perceived was all that kept them alive, but Tyn Rulsy was so concerned that she would be left alone without others of her kind that she risked being observed and ran like a serving girl late to attend her mistress.

” He had been interrupted in his thoughts of how he would use the money he had earned to live a quiet life in a small town, sitting on the porch smoking and reading the papers, the comic strips, and bunk adventure stories, concerned about his health and about his meals, and going to bed early, with funds to get well soaked at least once a month.