“CONTAIN” на українській мові


інші переклади

translocate displace dismiss discharge contain include
містити в собі
include contain involve implicate
contain comprise hold reach embrace
restrain deter contain constrain curb inhibit
abstain refrain contain control oneself hold in pull up



include comprise take in incorporate involve encompass embrace consist of be made up of be composed of


Then he slipped inside, all of him, though the bag was far too small to contain his body.

And she was the sole person who might contain it.

Yet she was not afraid of this figure, for she was convinced that she could have it inside a certain length of time, because the mine seemed to contain unlimited riches.

Even when the repairs were complete, the pod that would be returned to Sam would no longer contain Lou, but a blank BB with no memories.

Nesta had never heard a voice like Gwyn’s—by turns trained and wild, as if there was so much sound fighting to break free of Gwyn that she couldn’t quite contain it all.

“We could only manage to contain two,” Cassian said tightly.

That she might feel so full from wonder it could hurt, like her body couldn’t contain all of it.

“This is the only area known to contain fossils from the late-Cretaceous Period—when the dinosaurs died out.

I bet him the mirror would contain him—and Lanthys bet wrong.

They thought they could contain death.

When the alarm had sounded to notify them of an arrival, Baton could hardly contain himself, knowing that Bridges II had finally arrived.