“COOKED” на українській мові


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boiled cooked
cooked boiled dispirited downcast



prepare make put together fix rustle up


How the Elemental Men behind her weren’t being cooked alive she didn’t know and didn’t care.

They were apt to eat flesh raw when left to their own devices, but they wouldn’t turn down a cooked meal.

Two eggs, cooked sunny side up, were carved out of wood and adorned with the name of the establishment.

He sang and whistled as he cooked his meal.

The bandits squatted around the fire and cooked their meager meal, consisting of tortillas, black beans, green pepper, dried meat, and tea brewed from lemon leaves.

’Telling him it was the rotting liquefied brain matter of someone who’d once cooked food for them both didn’t seem politic.

You cannot well leave her now with all the good food cooked.

He ate the apple and waited, occasionally turning his skewer so the rabbits cooked evenly, watching as their juices dripped into the fire, popping, burning, and rising on the smoke.

”2They sat down, built a fire, and cooked their meal.

Always it was cooked and prepared hastily when everyone was so tired and worn out that he would have preferred not eating at all to cooking the meal.

The sun must have cooked his head to make him think that coming down here was a good idea.