“CRACKLING” на українській мові


інші переклади

brilliant shining sparkling glossy resplendent crackling
crackling crackly
crisp crackling crump
crackling crackle crepitation
crunch crackling crump



crackle crepitation


sizzle fizz hiss crack snap sputter crepitate


It was like fire crackling so that he didn’t have to hear anymore.

Her eyes hadn’t recovered from the lightning and now she was blinded again as the fire came; she could smell it, smell the blistering skin of the dead slaves behind her, the charring blood, the crackling fat and still the fire didn’t stop.

The crackling fire cut through the burgeoning chill in the air.

”Alsayer paused, his hand still raised, the lightning still crackling.

‘Maybe you should give me an address for where you’ll be staying, just in case, because I’m going to get our solicitors and media team to just look over—’I make crackling noises at the back of my throat.

Its interior was indeed warm, with a fire crackling in the sooty hearth that occupied much of the main room.

When the fire was crackling steadily, Nesta slithered under her pile of clothes beside Emerie and wrapped her arms around her friend, their skin pressing close.

”A smirk twisting his lips, but pain in his eyes, the spellcaster raised his hand beside his head, his palm and fingers crackling with coruscating flashes of pale, blue lightning.

The kiss changed, deepened, and the embers crackling between them ignited.

The river bubbled by, clear and unconcerned, and the wind stirred the branches of the trees, crackling the dry leaves and sending flurries of them down to carpet the forest floor and the bank of the river, but the sounds of animal life had stilled.

A fire was crackling away in a metal drum that had been placed in the center of an auditorium-like room.