“CREWED” на українській мові


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Anna tasted success on the world stage two years ago, when she crewed for her big sister Katie when they were the first all girl boat in the World Championships in Hobart, Tasmania.

Once Jenna and Allison had sat down she said, ‘As you know this ship is primarily crewed by the engineering staff, rather than military crew.’

The staff that crewed the vehicles worked for six weeks, on standby 24 hours a day, seven days a week, before they got a week off.

Partially disabled, his craft is captured by a huge, whale-like space vessel crewed by a handful of rather unfriendly aliens.

While the airline is not prepared to indicate how much it will cost to hire fully crewed aircraft to keep most of their flights running, aviation experts have indicated that the cost would likely top €500,000 a day.