“DEEPEST” на українській мові


інші переклади

deepest innermost inmost



cavernous yawning gaping huge extensive bottomless fathomless unfathomable


In silence, she walked to the deepest part of the overhang.

It’s about the power of the written word and, quite appropriately, Aliya Whiteley’s writing is spellbinding, blending reality and mythos together to create a world that is most terrifying when it reflects our deepest fears back at us.

Knew that the fastest and deepest way to annoy Cassian, hurt him right now would be to strike for that, to make him doubt the work he did and whether he deserved to be here.

He stopped only when he reached the door at the very end that led into the bathhouse, the deepest and largest chamber under the eyrie.

It moved far more quickly than it should, disappearing from view into the deepest shadow and reappearing scores of yards away.

Staring and staring straight through him, right into his deepest secrets as if it wanted something.

I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Mahu Whenua in New Zealand.

The deepest water below was dark and inky, but above it became increasingly blue until the shining, dappled sky of the surface roofed all over.

Working quickly, Rew cut the youth free of his bindings, then tore off his own tunic and pressed it against the deepest part of the laceration.

Nesta screamed then, a sound of such pleasure she knew it echoed off the mountains, feeling him hit the deepest spot of her.