“DEPOT” на українській мові


інші переклади

базовий склад
військовий табір
depot barn deposit grounds storehouse
pantry barn storeroom storehouse granary depot
composition storage warehouse syllable storehouse depot
station depot stage
залізнича станція
station depot
refuge warehouse vault storehouse depository depot



terminal terminus station garage headquarters base


He was glad in a way that they did not ask him for their tickets, because he was busy enough checking the express and seeing to his many duties as the only depot official.

A supermarket depot jostled up behind it, the two separated only by a high wall upon which had been arranged a regiment of broken bottles.

With the help of officials, passengers, and people on the platform who had been waiting for the train, a freight at the depot was hurriedly converted into an emergency train and driven to the site of the wreck.

Anyway, neither the station-master nor the conductor of the train was very much surprised when, one Friday night, more than twenty passengers, all mestizos, boarded the train at the depot.

We have a hellish long way before us and a tough job still before we have everything safely at the nearest depot.

With the little strength still left him he crawled up the track, dragged himself on the engine, and succeeded in getting it under way and to the depot.

The main thing was to have the packs at the nearest depot where they could take the train back to the port.

All this had taken less than ten minutes, and the next depot was still more than ten miles away; there was no village near by from which any help could come.

We’re selling them only because we don’t want to carry them to the depot.

We’ll soon be at the depot or passing through a village where we can buy as much as we want.

A few days later, standing at the ferry that crosses the river to the Panuco depot and wondering if he might get a chance to go to that town for a change, five men came running along to catch the ferry that was just about to make off.