“DIFFERENCES” на українській мові


інші переклади

difference contrast diversity disparity otherness divergence
difference dissimilarity diversity
dissimilarity otherness difference dissimilitude dissemblance distance
difference odds otherness
розбіжність у думках
divarication difference



dissimilarity contrast distinction differentiation variance variation divergence disparity deviation polarity gulf gap imbalance contradiction contradistinction


It was the same, he supposed, as the differing skin tones and statures of the men of the Kingdoms, and the differences of the modalmen were not so pronounced.

Not our petty fights or differences.

Both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are believed to share a common ancestor in the form of Homo heidelbergensis, but there are clear differences between the two.

The eyrie hadn’t quivered and there hadn’t been any screaming and shouting up and down the tunnels, and so she supposed the dragon and the Elemental Men and Mai’Choiro had temporarily settled their differences.

There were differences between these and Shkarauthir’s tribe.

Though Rel knew only a few words of the modalmen speech, he could infer a lot from their body language; for all their anatomical differences it was similar to a human’s.

I look through the glass pane and see little differences everywhere rather than the things that have stayed the same.

He sipped his water and settled in for a long, hungry day, diverting his mind from his grumbling stomach by examining the modalmen carefully, and further instructing himself in their differences.

So he exaggerated his differences.

But there were obvious differences in their anatomies.