“DONNED” на українській мові


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put on don get on tog clasp settle



put on get dressed in dress (oneself) in get into slip into/on


Nesta twisted, her legs and core drenched in his essence and hers, but he donned his pants, gathering up his shirt and jacket, and the weapons she hadn’t realized he’d carried.

So Nesta donned the dress she’d left on the floor last night, and then again freed all four locks.

So he donned a form of flesh like theirs, and came to them disguised as a teacher.

With the same curious look the Indian stared at the pants Nacho had donned.

Dear ‘John’ donned a mask and reappeared with a new identity.

”Nesta kept perfectly still in her chair, keenly aware of every movement in the fighting leathers she’d donned.

As soon as she’d donned the Mask, those feelings had vanished.

Since then they had become as a second skin to him, donned without conscious effort.

”“You’re in deep shit,” Azriel said mildly to him on the chilly veranda as Nesta donned her cloak inside.

Wondering whether anyone had ever donned the Mask not to raise the dead, but to simply stop being inside their own minds.

The pair she’d donned were bigger—not baggy, but just slightly larger.