“EMPTIED” на українській мові


інші переклади

unload disembark dump empty unship shore
empty lard interlard
empty tip out void tilt quaff deplenish
pour out empty cast effuse outpour spout
drink empty booze wine libate
empty vacate evacuate clear void
pour out empty scatter



unload unpack void clear evacuate


The corpses hung from hooks through their wrists, a gaping flap of skin and pasty flesh across their abdomens where their stomachs and intestines had been removed and emptied and replaced again as knotted sacs full of the potions he made to dull the hatchlings.

Then Curtin, after having half emptied his plate, said: “Help yourself, partner.

Her head had emptied by the time she half-crawled up the last twenty steps.

Every word emptied from Cassian’s head as Nesta, too, emerged from the water, as if lifted on a pillar from beneath.

Curtin emptied Dobbs’s gun, weighed it in his hand, threw it up in the air and caught it cowboy-fashion, and then held it toward Dobbs, hesitated for a second, looked Dobbs in the face, and then put the gun in his own pocket on his left hip.

It was uneven, and rumbled loudly in the emptied dormitory.

All the love had seeped out of her with this moult, and now she was clean and new – emptied of love.

She could have emptied Hingwal Taktse if she’d wanted.

She went to the table, took the decanter and the glass and left the gondola, emptied both and refilled them from the fountain in the centre of the Dralamut.

So when the bandits came to the woods, they opened the packs to see how much they had made, and when they saw that in these little bags there was only sand and dirt to cheat the honest tanners in Durango, they emptied the bags and scattered the sand all over the ground.

Her head emptied out, and there was only him and her and the space between them.