“ENEMIES” на українській мові


інші переклади

enemy adversary foe opponent hostile
enemy opponent adversary counterpart hostile antagonist
foe enemy buddy-buddy
adversary enemy
enemy adversary assailant contradictor



opponent adversary foe archenemy rival antagonist combatant challenger competitor opposer the opposition the competition the other side the opposing side


Searching for their maker and for the enemies they were created to destroy.

’ They’d been enemies not all that long ago and yes, they’d probably been set to kill each other to see who would follow Quai’Shu as lord of Xican.

He was the Black Moon, who turned his enemies to dragons and split the earth asunder and rose to wipe out the sun, trapped in useless flesh as futile rage and boundless despair crushed through him like a deep ocean storm and .

Those who up to this time had been considered by them as their proletarian brethren were now enemies against whom they had to protect themselves.

No longer can I look to poor Juliense for protection from our nation’s enemies.

Moreover, it seemed like he was getting shot by multiple enemies at once.

It was astonishing how much of the art of warfare was like the social manipulation her mother had insisted she learn: picking battlegrounds, finding allies amongst the enemies of one’s enemies … Some of it was wholly new, of course, and such a precise way of thinking that she knew she’d have to read the manuscript many times to fully grasp its lessons.

Malcontents like Beron would have no ability to threaten our plans by allying with our enemies.

”“I only wish to defend the Autumn Court against its worst enemies.

“If any of our enemies got their hands on this, they’d use it against us in a heartbeat.

CHAPTER 6But it wasn’t any of Malik’s enemies that shoulda concerned Baby Brother.