“EVENT” на українській мові


інші переклади

case event incident occasion accident occurrence
accident occurrence event
consequence effect consequent corollary outcome event
occasion event incident opportunity
event occasion occurrence happening occurrent
event occurrence case



occurrence happening proceeding incident affair circumstance occasion phenomenon function gathering bash


For such scars to exist on a High Fae at all suggested an event of such violence, such horror, that Nesta’s stomach clenched.

The male was definitely in the family room, since Nesta knew Feyre and Rhys had invited him, but for that look to be directed at her …They hadn’t spoken of their argument in the few minutes they’d had together before the ball’s procession, and then she’d avoided Elain entirely until the event was over.

Other routes existed before the Splintering, an event which considerably changed the landscape of the Konsidar.

Each individual event is not washed away by time to disappear, they remain intact as a perceived phase.

And was the Death Stranding the sixth mass extinction event?

”He looked around the event tent, then back at her.

The future is an as-of-yet unperceived event and humans, bound by time as they are, can only perceive one of a myriad of alternatives.

At the very least, there’s a chance that it also appeared during the extinction event that took place at the end of the Cretaceous Period.

The Investiture was the reason the nobles collected their pawns, the event they amassed their forces for.

”“It is not a coincidence, a battle and a volcanic event at the same time?

The Death Stranding was the sixth mass extinction event to strike life on this planet.