“EXPANSE” на українській мові


інші переклади

magnification augmentation increment enhancement gain expanse
expanse space extension
space area expanse place stretch expansion
expansion enlargement dilatation amplification distension expanse



area stretch sweep tract swathe belt region sea carpet blanket sheet


A half-mile later it reached the expanse of the Jokun, bright clear water at last.

The seabed was a hundred feet beneath Aarin, a pale expanse of sand dotted with rocks and patches of submarine vegetation.

”Nesta didn’t try to rise, and Cassian scanned for a flatter expanse of ground.

Rew had himself and five in his command to cover the entire expanse of the wilderness, which was packed full of dangerous beasts.

” whispered Jon, shifting to look over the rim of the hollow they’d camped in, down at the vast expanse of darkness that lay beneath them at the foot of the mountain.

He tried not to think about her bare expanse of skin, now marked in black ink, as he faced her.

Oh, look, a large flat expanse of red clay.

They floated steadily towards the desert until the mountains fell away and in the far distance Liang saw the bright flat expanse of the arid badlands that led to the cliffs of the Tzwayg.

If true, it is conjectured that these tunnels and caves interconnect under the expanse of the Empty Sands.

The light led him to where the cave opened onto a dark expanse of black sand beneath inky-dark cliffs.