“FILTHY” на українській мові


інші переклади

dirty messy muddy filthy sordid foul
disgusting hideous heinous abominable nasty filthy
cheesy obscene trashy vile nasty filthy
depraved corrupt debauched bad licentious filthy



dirty grimy muddy slimy unclean mucky foul squalid sordid nasty soiled sullied polluted contaminated unhygienic unsanitary cruddy grungy skeevy besmirched feculent


very extremely tremendously immensely remarkably excessively exceedingly stinking awfully terribly seriously mega majorly ultra damn


Don’t you lay your filthy hands on my daughter.

Considering the filthy things he’d done in his bedroom, his bathroom—fuck, in so many of the rooms here—the idea of the House watching him … Cauldron boil him alive.

Despite being draped in chainmail, the crimson blood on his scalp, and the filthy black blood of the narjags on the edge of his broadsword, he had the look of a tradesman rather than a warrior.

” He felt filthy inside as he said it, as if he’d drunk a quart of engine oil.

They spat into their wounds, rubbed dirt and chewed leaves plucked from the bushes into them to stop bleeding, and bandaged them with strips of their filthy shirts.

”The girl looked them up and down, clearly unhappy with their openly displayed weapons and filthy appearance, but evidently, it wasn’t enough to turn them away.

Most were dozing in the heat, huddled up in their rags upon the wagon’s filthy floors.

”“I don’t think the House would appreciate such filthy behavior.

Gwyn waited on its other side, bloodied and in a warrior’s clothes, face filthy and torn, but eyes clear.

Native boys would kick his buckets and spill the lemonade, and should he find a pair of shoes to shine, all the native bootblacks would surround him and pester him with practical jokes and filthy language, so that the customer would leave before his shine was finished.

“The way you sometimes look at me makes me think such filthy things, Nesta.