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The fortress had been constructed in a different era, when the threats to the peace of the kingdom were external rather than internal.
In its day, Mogawn had been one of the greatest fortresses in Karsa, it still was, but without warriors to man it, a fortress was nothing.
The entrance to the offices was equally grand, with main doors of twenty feet tall, spiked bronze, the sort of thing found on a fortress or barracks rather than a mill.
Linking people together with the Chiral Network would help form an impenetrable fortress against threats.
On the fifth, the walls of that inner fortress of ancient iron came down.
“I went to the old fortress once as a child,” said Raif.
Mogawn, once reckoned the third greatest fortress in the western Kingdoms.
Its legacy as a fortress was the only thing saving the people inside now.
A black stone fortress full of Vespinese soldiers looked across the lake from an outcrop of rock on the far side – full, it was said, with a fortune in Vespinese silver.
The thing that stood beyond the fortress of her mind was a creature of claws, scales, and teeth.
But a fortress built is a fortress that must be maintained, lest the defenses of the kingdom fall fallow and those external threats return.