“FRIGID” на українській мові


інші переклади

indifferent unconcerned apathetic uninterested cold frigid
passionless frigid cold-livered
cold cool chilly bleak frigid chill



very cold bitterly cold bitter freezing frozen frosty icy gelid chilly chill wintry bleak subzero arctic Siberian bone-chilling polar glacial hypothermic nippy


The frigid winds dried her tears as quickly as they fell.

He emerged into the frigid morning to find the three of them already in the practice ring.

Nesta let herself soak up his warmth against the frigid cave air.

Its frigid surface bit into her skin even through the thickness of the leathers.

Baby Brother felt frigid air wash over him and realized that they’d dragged him into the walk-in freezer.

Her panting breath swirled from her mouth in the frigid rain.

It was that worry that hounded her as they wrapped up lessons, panting and sweating despite the frigid morning thanks to the Valkyrie sprints they’d been practicing: ten seconds at a full sprint, thirty seconds trotting, another ten seconds sprinting … For fifteen minutes straight.

When Elain burst into the dining room of the House, Cassian and Rhys were shaking off the frigid air that had been howling through Windhaven.

CHAPTER35There was no light, nothing but frigid water and clawed hands hauling her through it.

There were no springs to be found anywhere nearby; that part of the Sotherwinter as dry as it was cold, a frigid desert.

Knew what it meant when his stare dipped to her nightgown, her breasts peaked against the frigid cold, her bare legs.