“FUNERAL” на українській мові


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burial funeral grave interment entombment sepulture
funeral burial entombment inhumation obsequies
funeral mortuary funereal obsequial obituary exequial
funeral funereal sable lugubrious



burial interment entombment committal inhumation laying to rest cremation obsequies last offices memorial service sepulture


“It’s a party, not a funeral.

”—Kaira Rouda, USA Today bestselling author of Best Day Ever“Everything We Give is a satisfying conclusion to this series, which began with a funeral when there should have been a wedding and ends with the final fallout from the mysterious woman who warned the almost-widow that all was not as it seemed.

She deserves a funeral with full honors.

The long march to his lab felt like her funeral procession.

She dressed herself with cold efficiency, shucking off the bloody nightgown and dropping it onto the male’s face in a mockery of a funeral shroud, then tucked the knife into the belt she cinched as tight as it would go.

Baby Brother had been buried, and the stress of going through the emotional, jam-packed funeral and keeping his younger brothers in check at the same time had taken a physical toll on him, and his body was in turmoil.

It was the first time she had seen the inside of Judy’s room since her sister’s funeral five months prior.

It felt like someone’s funeral had just come to an end.

The funeral had hit them all hard, especially since Baby Brother’s coffin had been closed, a telltale sign of his brutal and disfiguring death.

This man was after a different kind of funeral.

Sent their mamas scurrying downtown to make funeral arrangements.