“GAZING” на українській мові


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look gaze stare see into
look gaze
look gaze stare see into
gaze stare goggle
stare gaze
drag out gaze
watch look view behold gaze eye



stare at look fixedly at gape at goggle at eye look at study scrutinize take a good look at ogle leer at gawk at rubberneck eyeball


The dragon was sitting on the second glasship with Zafir beside it, gazing at the scurrying little figures of men beneath it, at the terrified slaves and the men of Vespinarr running this way and that, wild with dread; and Liang stared back, wondering not for the first time what kind of creature it really was, what it could become if Bellepheros stopped feeding it his potions, how such a monster had ever come to exist and what it must have taken to tame it.

She turned to look at him at last but now he was gazing off into the sky, lost in his own flurry of thoughts.

She took her time circling the walls, gazing up at the bright glitter of the glasships above, counting them, counting the stars, looking to see if they were the same.

Her door opened with a creak, and then Cassian was there, leaning against her doorway, gazing at her in the mirror.

They held a light that felt as if it was gazing at something far away.

” Azriel asked, gazing at Feyre’s still-flat stomach.

Replaced by something so dead and vacant it was like gazing into the unseeing eyes of a fallen soldier on a battlefield.

Nesta might not be gazing at them, but he knew she saw and heard and assessed everything.

Diamond Eye was gazing out into the night, back the same way it had stared before.

”Feyre gave a hmm of contemplation, gazing at the city.

The BB had its hands up against the window of the pod and was gazing up at Sam.