“GIVING” на українській мові


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issuance delivery lending giving yielding





big freehanded bountiful handsome openhanded liberal bounteous bighearted


present with provide with supply with furnish with let someone have hand (over to) offer proffer award grant (to) bestow on/upon accord confer on make over to donate to contribute to


’ She was giving him a very deep look.

‘Thank you for giving me purpose, little dragon.

Through the gaps between firelight shone, giving the valley the appearance of a hellish gullet fronted by black teeth.

He croaked happily as Rel ducked under his neck, giving the dracon a scratch before belting the chest piece in place.

You shower it on me every day, and I’m giving it right back to you with each book I write.

”Rew frowned at her but decided if he wanted her to talk, to share her secrets, there was no harm in giving an answer, even if it was one he was certain she already knew.

“People prodding at my ward, searching for gaps, and all the while, the baron is asking for gaps, giving me this foolish map, telling me to uncover this barrow, cover the other back up.

Unskilled labor was getting fifteen pesos a day, and Americans and Mexicans alike were spending five thousand dollars a night without giving a thought to where it went.

They crawled into their sleeping bags still dressed in their clothes and lit no fires to avoid giving away their position.

Though there was a good chance it would start with him giving Crazy a good solid punch in the face.

I could have done without you giving Nesta a mental warning.