“GRATEFUL” на українській мові


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favored benign grateful favoured
grateful thankful appreciative obliged beholden appreciatory
pleasant nice enjoyable acceptable pleasing grateful



thankful appreciative indebted obliged obligated in someone's debt beholden


A degree from Stanford came with certain guarantees, and although he was gonna miss his brothers around, he was grateful for the opportunity to escape the urban jungle.

She was grateful there was little chance of Gelbion Kressind showing up to vote.

Aarin veered between being grateful and despising Harma for being weak.

”He didn’t need to be that grateful.

I am forever grateful.

I’m unceasingly grateful for my agent, Gordon Warnock, and Fuse Literary Agency for truly being there for me.

He’s so grateful she was here.

He tried to forget about being afraid and Zafir’s madness and let that idea settle inside him instead, almost grateful for something else to occupy his scattered thoughts.

He’d never stop being grateful for it: for the High Lady mere feet from him, who had saved them all from Amarantha’s rule, who had returned his brother to him and then brought Rhys out of the darkness that lingered.

I wake up every morning truly excited to work with you and learn from you, and I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for it.

In fact, I’m grateful that you came all the way up that cliff.