“HACIENDA” на українській мові



The hacienda was located on a plain, and every soldier approaching could be seen as if marching on an ice-covered lake.

Last week I was at the hacienda of don Genaro Montereal, ten miles from the village, where I stayed overnight.

First, just to get the thing under way, the officer ordered a general attack on all four sides of the hacienda.

The peons of the hacienda went into hiding when the battle began.

The officer took advantage of the fact that the hacienda had two gates, one in front, one at the back.

One fell dead and three were wounded when the soldiers in retreat reached the main gate of the hacienda.

In the afternoon the soldiers approached a big hacienda where the officer had decided to spend the night with his men.

The hacendado denied having seen a single soul the whole day long and added that he should know whether or not men had passed the hacienda during the day, since he had been at home all the time.

The ten bandits had been joined by three other men who were hiding in the hacienda when the bandits arrived.