“HEALTHY” на українській мові


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buxom healthy
viable vital healthy
healthy sound well healthful robust hale
flowering blooming flourishing flowered in blossom healthy
prudent reasonable prudential sober judicious healthy
healing medicinal curative healthful healthy salubrious



well in good health fine fit in good trim in good shape in fine fettle in tip-top shape blooming thriving hardy robust strong vigorous fighting fit fit as a fiddle the picture of health OK in the pink right as rain


A healthy fear of falling?

It’s just twenty grand that I’m after to make me perfectly happy and healthy.

But the gesture was short-lived, hardly the length of a blink before a healthy wail went up from the other side of the room, and—Mor stammered, weeping, and the babe she brought to the bed was not the small, still thing she’d been holding, but a full-term winged boy.

I can talk the other way round just as well, if you get what I mean, and believe me, you hick, I can tackle any guy your size, so you better lay off me if you know what’s healthy for you.

I have also a strong and healthy boy, who now, thanks to your skill, can see and so is perfect in every way.

When the desert men fought among themselves, they tried not to kill each other because there was no money to be made from a corpse while a healthy living man could be sold.

Alsayer looks healthy enough.

”The woman was satisfied and decided to love and honor her lice as the best sign that she was a healthy woman.

You know man can live for a long time on nothing but meat and be just as healthy as a well-fed elephant.

The Indians living on the Sierra Madre, like all those living in the mountains of this continent, are a healthy lot.

Surely she’d seen the way they kept a healthy distance from Cassian, scented their hesitation and fear, and put a few things together.