“HORRIFIC” на українській мові


інші переклади

horrible awful appalling monstrous horrific gruesome
horrific appalling horrendous frightful prodigious unnatural



dreadful horrendous horrible frightful fearful awful terrible atrocious heinous horrifying shocking appalling harrowing gruesome hideous grisly gory ghastly unspeakable monstrous nightmarish sickening


A horrific scream issued from the engulfed column.

All those lives, each with a different face, a different name, different pasts and feelings, were mercilessly snuffed out by one horrific act of violence.

Conjured from another plane, perhaps amalgamated from several creatures of that horrific world?

”—Camille Di Maio, author of The Memory of UsAll the Breaking WavesAN AMAZON BEST BOOK OF THE MONTH: LITERATURE & FICTION CATEGORYLIZ & LISA BEST BOOK OF THE MONTH SELECTION“Blending elements of magic and mystery, All the Breaking Waves is a compelling portrayal of one mother’s journey as she grapples with her small daughter’s horrific visions that force her to confront a haunting secret from her past.

” He’d seen every horrific memory flash before Nesta’s eyes today.

And it had been a horrific thing to watch the Scales fall slowly to pieces.

It was the height of summer, and by the time we made the trek back up, the heat was unbearable, we all reeked, and the scent of the vomit on the stairs had become horrific.