“HORSE-AND-BUGGY” на українській мові



The only superficial traits that set the Amish apart from the ‘normals ‘are their thick horse-and-buggy accents and the fact that they all cop to having limited educations.’

You know that even the Amish, in horse-and-buggy Pennsylvania, are secretly buying cell phones?

Her ‘see, I told you so’ grin left me feeling like a chastised schoolgirl - or the last horse-and-buggy driver in town.

If Sponer's list forces her to remain focused on profits, Nichols's twelve criteria served to remind him of just what he didn't want to get into back in the early 1990s, when he was looking to start a company: a horse-and-buggy operation.

When you invent a railroad, you need railroad-rules for it, not horse-and-buggy rules.