“HORSES” на українській мові


інші переклади

stallion horse colt foal courser
horse steed
cavalry horse



mount charger cob nag pony foal yearling colt stallion gelding mare filly bronco stepper steed


The officer ordered all the horses led behind a hill so that they would not be shot.

His bumbling manner she found endearing only because, beneath his bluster and his obsession with horses and cards, Demion was an upright man.

One of the guards by the horses had heard the shot and came up to the camp to ask what had happened.

”The men who were to form the posse had gone for their horses.

The winged horses were rare—so rare that it was said Helion’s seven breeding pairs of flying horses were the only ones left.

“I noticed there were tracks of horses and cows on the road.

They heard it first, the neighing of horses and the shouts of men.

”Rhys turned a few pages in the book, to an illustration of a host of riders on horses and all manner of beasts.

One man was sent down to the guards by the horses to ask if they had seen soldiers marching in the valley.

It would have made a deeper impression upon them if the neighing had come from horses.

By this one account, it was known horses were herbivores who were difficult to care for, being easily poisoned by common plants, and were not at all the fantastical beasts of folklore.