“HOVERING” на українській мові


інші переклади

veering tacking about hovering shifting



be suspended be poised hang levitate float fly


The rest kept on taking barrels off a glass sled hovering in the air beside them.

The belly of the hovering helicopter opened and regurgitated its glowing, wet insides.

With a jerk, he stopped walking, one foot hovering just above the soil.

Death, hovering close like a crow awaiting carrion.

He stares at the screen, finger hovering over the blue square icon, and watches the loading spinner circle until it disappears, alerting him that the app has fully loaded.

He was hovering several inches above the tar.

The Elemental Men were waiting for her, hovering in the air as light or wind or shadows.

Feeling a smidge better, she drew a line through make a new friend, then paused, pencil tip hovering above the fresh marking.

“I’ll take that,” he orders, hovering on the edge between sanity and insanity.

Not within the first ring of true darkness, but hovering in the dimness above it.

”More materialised, the ghosts of the monks slain in the monastery, hovering side by side with those who had killed them, peace imposed by death.