“HUNTER” на українській мові


інші переклади

hunter fisherman peterman piscator
hunter huntsman trapper tracker sportsman springer
seeker finder bloodhound hunter sleuth sweeper
hunter challenging come-hither



huntsman huntswoman trapper stalker woodsman nimrod predator Orion


Some hunter stopped to help the sheriff, and of course by now backup was on the way, but at least Trill had gotten a fairly decent head start.

He crossed Rockaway Avenue, moving like a hunter as he traveled under the El toward Sutter.

The rest of the soldiers are mestizos who know all the tricks and can make use of them more cunningly than the bandits, for they have the advantage which every hunter has against the hunted.

And they aren’t after our money, but our guns and ammunition, since the villagers have told them about the American hunter up here who has rifles and guns and heaps of ammunition with him.

An Indian hunter from the village far below would never go up to this rock to look for any sort of game, for there is enough in the great valley at the base of the mountains to make it silly for a hunter to climb this mountain.

If we washed the dirt down at the brook, a native hunter might see us and get suspicious.

Funny sort of a hunter he must have been.

It wouldn’t take one week for a real hunter to clean up all around for five miles in each direction.

Some rose and began again to walk about the place to see if there was any trace of the hunter supposed to be there.

The peasants down in the village, to get rid of them as quick as possible, have told them that up here there is a hunter who has guns and plenty ammunition.

He had never had such a flourishing business in all his life as since this hunter up on the mountain had begun to patronize him.