“HUT” на українській мові


інші переклади

barrack hut cantonment building
hut cabin small cottage barrack crib shanty



shack chantey cabin log cabin shelter shed lean-to hovel hovel cabana


In the shade before a palm hut two mestizos are squatting, smoking cigarettes they have made by rolling tobacco into corn leaves.

But thirty yards beyond the hut the officer orders them to halt.

He wasn’t in a hut or a shelter after all, but some sort of cave.

A sergeant has taken notice of the behavior of the two men and says a few words to his captain, who rides to a hut opposite the one where the two mestizos are.

If they are, you are clearing out of here this very minute to take them off our track or we hand you in, dirty as I would feel; hut we need protection, you know, and cattlerustling is a dirty business, especially against such poor farmers as they are.

One of the mestizos rises and tries to go behind the hut.

He turns around as though he wants to go back to the hut.

Patrons whose cots were in the middle of the hut laid their things on a broken chair or tied them to the under side of their cots with strings.

After passing the last hut of the village, Dobbs said with a laugh: “Hey, Curty, you’re a funny mug.

”At this moment his host stepped into the hut where Curtin and Howard were talking.