“IMPRESSION” на українській мові


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impression imprint pressing pressure
imprint print impression impress seal cachet
impression impress effect showing
printing print typing impression presswork pressure
pressure onslaught rush onset stress impression
idea notion conception impression imagery apprehension



feeling feeling in one's bones sense fancy (sneaking) suspicion inkling premonition intuition presentiment hunch notion idea funny feeling gut feeling


But Rick’s profession gave Joy the impression that Dylan was under some sort of contractual obligation to keep in touch.

Even the ground beneath them looked not at all so gruesome as at night, when the flickering light of matches gave it such a ghastly impression.

Out here, during the first weeks, he and the old man had found this sort of frown rather jolly for the comic impression it made when used with certain phrases.

This treatment made a deep impression and added to the belief that Howard was a great medicine-man, even a magician.

Nobody had a coat here except foreign tourists and men who wished to make a good impression.

Like all the spectacle of the drowned host, examination of the detail left a poor impression.

‘Someone did indeed try very hard to leave that impression.

”Miguel smiled craftily and narrowed his eyes, twisting his neck like a curious turtle and trying to give the impression that he was a sly old trader in horses, well acquainted with all the tricks.

Sorry, but I get the impression Mark doesn’t get you the way he should.

There, in the dirt, was the impression of a paw print.

They would take the thief into one of the shacks and there preach him a sermon which would make such an excellent impression upon his mind and body that for the next seven days he could not move a finger or an eyelid without moaning.