“IN PERSON” на українській мові






Hands that had previously been able to reach out digitally and connect with others across great distances could now only connect in person.

Not if the demon came at him in person.

Since then he’s not come in person.

And the thing about ghosts… I’ve never met Amelie in person.

Facing one in person was another matter.

“The truth, Sam, is that America’s last president wants to see you in person.

’This sudden flow of words sounds rehearsed to me; if so, I’m glad I gave her the chance to say them in person.

It was exactly as she’d pictured it in her trance—and even more horrible in person.

This was the hill on which, in the year of Our Lord 1531, the Holy Virgin in person had appeared to the Quauhtlatohua Indian Juan Diego and had left painted in his ayate, a sort of over-shirt, her picture.

Perhaps the Brass God will come and tell us his desires in person.

I cannot intervene in person.