“INCISE” на українській мові


інші переклади

cut cut out carve excise incise chisel
incise scotch


A score was at first a cut (it is related to shear) but then developed to mean a notch in a piece of wood, an idea it keeps in the modern verb ‘to mark or incise a line‘.

The desired outcome was based on the surgeon's ability to manipulate a cryolathe, which is an instrument designed to incise tissue linearly.

The surgeon incises the omentum along the lesser curvature of the stomach at a point below the second branch of the left gastric artery.

On the other hand, a cut which incises a muscle at right angles to the longitudinal axis of its fibers can be expected to compromise the function of that muscle to a degree commensurate with the severity of the cut.

Some of the galleries had incised lines cut into the wall, perhaps tally marks, or identification symbols.