“INFLICTED” на українській мові


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administer to deliver to deal out to dispense to mete out to impose on exact on wreak on cause to give to dish out to


But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him?

She had been on death’s threshold and—Cassian’s plans for what he’d one day do to him went far beyond the pain inflicted by a knife.

The smooth cut Tallimastus’ nail had inflicted upon his spirit was mirrored by his body.

”Raheem had nodded yes, but when the morgue tech pulled the sheet back and he saw the brutality that had been inflicted on his younger brother, his knees sagged and he nearly stopped breathing as he grasped the cold metal gurney for support.

“It was evident that the Indians had cursed the mine to revenge the tortures inflicted upon them for the possession of the mine and the outrageous robbery committed by the invaders.

Drauthek had the bigger modalman in a headlock, the fingers of his lower left hand buried in the wound Shkarauthir had inflicted upon Brauctha’s belly.

If Dobbs deserved punishment, or if this punishment was being inflicted upon him unjustly, as most punishments are, such a thought did not enter his head at this moment.