“INFORMED” на українській мові


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An RAF base once, my online searching informed me that it was bought at a rock-bottom price by Suscutin six years ago, and revamped for:The Next Stage of Our EvolutionThat was what their website claimed, anyway.

There’s been unusual activity in the wilderness, and we need a more informed opinion than our own.

Someone named Heartman had informed him of this plan.

Cliff wasn’t informed of the details.

Cassian headed to the left—toward the formal rooms for business, Feyre had informed Nesta during that first and only tour two months ago.

“Why weren’t we informed you were operating here?

When she felt the first signs of her time approaching she informed her CO and got signed off for two days, then checked herself into the Moulting Ward.

Really, my dear, you are poorly informed.

Mor had reluctantly informed him she’d brought Nesta there the day before.

A scuff of boots on stone informed her that he’d left.

”Technically, Nesta had informed him, the House had given it to her.