“INSECTS” на українській мові


інші переклади

insect bug ant



bug beetle ant fly gnat bee wasp hornet butterfly moth creepy-crawly


He was pestered by the ten thousand sorts of insects and reptiles the jungle breeds.

For many minutes they could hear nothing but the never ceasing singing of the jungle insects.

The trees foresting the clifftops were of unfamiliar types, and full of biting insects he had never seen before.

Birds cease to sing and no longer fly about, insects become quiet and hide away under leaves and in other shady places, squirrels are no longer seen, and greater animals seem to vanish as if chased away.

Whole armies of huge red ants were running about, and a multitude of other insects were crawling and creeping in all directions, leaving practically not a square inch of soil uncovered in their search for food or safety or the pleasures of love.

Which meant plumes of pollen drifting by, setting his nose to running and skin to itching, until he was certain that at least a dozen insects were slithering all over him.