“JAIL” на українській мові


інші переклади

imprison prison confine constrain gaol jail
prison jail gaol penitentiary pound calaboose
prison jail quod
imprisonment confinement constraint custody jail incarceration
prison jail



prison penitentiary penal institution lockup detention center jailhouse stockade correctional facility reformatory reform school clink slammer big house jug brig can pen hoosegow skookum house cooler cage slam pokey


imprison put in prison send to prison incarcerate lock up put away intern detain hold (prisoner/captive) put into detention put behind bars put inside


“I suggest next time you move faster unless you fancy a night in the baron’s jail.

“I killed seven men, and I don’t know who they were, only that they broke you out of my jail.

I might go to jail for it.

Blythe reached out and grabbed the twisted, torn-open iron bars of the jail cell.

Cursing himself for not paying more attention when he’d rifled through their gear while they were in his jail cell, Rew thumped his pack down on a table in the common room and began pulling out the contents.

The door to my jail cell was ruined, but I’ve another.

”Grinning, Alsayer remarked, “I don’t believe he’d willingly walk into a jail cell with you, my friend.

Rew couldn’t see well enough in the low light of the jail to tell if there were callouses from the hilt of a sword on the boy’s palms.

Petra’s car was one of those contract jobs, set up to be changed every seven years or with a new skin; some customers liked that freedom, although it sounded more like a flashy extension to an existing jail block to Rose.

Besides, never having been in jail doesn’t mean that a feller plays straight and honest.

Eight opponents, all armed, and judging from the damage to the iron bars of the jail cell back at the ranger station, at least one of them was a spellcaster.