“JUNGLES” на українській мові


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thicket brake thick jungle thick-set
sediment lees thickness jungle



tropical forest (tropical) rain forest wilderness


The Arbiter’s robe was of firebird feathers stolen from the deep jungles and lava runs of Qeled, feathers that seemed to burn like flames, the deeper darker ones around her feet where the robe flared, then growing lighter in strands that wrapped her body in spirals like the weave of a rope and made her appear a tornado of swirling naked flame.

* * *50 Cent and NoireAuthor’s NoteACKNOWLEDGMENTSCHAPTER 1CHAPTER 2CHAPTER 3CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 5CHAPTER 6CHAPTER 7CHAPTER 8CHAPTER 9CHAPTER 10EPILOGUETURN THE PAGE FOR EXCERPTS OF MORE G-UNIT BOOKSTHE SKI MASK WAYDEATH BEFORE DISHONORCopyright* * *50 Cent and NoireBABY BROTHERAn Urban Erotic AppetizerTo all the Baby Brothers who are out there navigating the urban jungles of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx: Don’t let the mean streets strangle you.

Bronzehand was being insistent tonight, trying to reach him again and again, and Tsen was steadfastly ignoring him because he didn’t think that either of them had much to say, not when Bronzehand was a world away in the jungles of Qeled.

They had to hew their way through jungles and virgin forests.

A huge tiger, a tigre real, one of the biggest in those jungles he must be.

Bronzehand was possibly the one person in the world who might have a reason for keeping him alive, the only trouble being he was across the storm-dark in a different world, and people had a tendency to vanish when they tried to penetrate the jungles of Qeled.

The men to whom they were addressed might be dead, or working deep in the jungles clearing new oil-fields, or on a tramp in the China Sea, or helping the Bolsheviks build up a workers’ empire, with no time to think that the letter-writers back home might be crying their eyes out over a lost sheep.