“KICKING” на українській мові


інші переклади

kick buck cavort
kick thrust stab
ударяти ногою
throw cast fling kick



kick boot


boot punt drop-kick hoof


After they ate a cold meal and cleaned as best they could with limited water, the group moved around, kicking rocks and trying to find a flat place on the stone to lay their bedrolls.

It crashed to the ground, clawed feet kicking in the dirt, wings flapping helplessly“Stay back!

They were both down with the Brooklyn Borne click and had gotten knocked a couple of weeks earlier for kicking down the door of a state witness’s house and tying up the man and his whole family before pouring lighter fluid on them and setting the house on fire.

The horse is nearly kicking the mestizos, so one of them rises and comes close to help the officer get into the saddle.

Jack’s car kicking the bucket doesn’t fall within the guidelines either.

But now the terrorists are kicking off and their way of life is being threatened, they’ve started to think it might make more sense to band together and ride all of this out as one.

Usually Crazy was the one kicking him, tossing and turning and complaining about his snoring while Tuuran was gone seconds after he closed his eyes, but not tonight.

Slowly he stood up, kicking the snoring slaves around him.

As easy as kicking an old mule in the buttocks.

She massaged her head, kicking her feet gently in front of the fire, wiggling her bare toes in front of the smoldering embers.

Lou’s kicking woke her up.