“KILLER” на українській мові


інші переклади

bandit gangster mobster outlaw bully killer
killer pile-driver
killer murderer slayer homicide basher cutthroat
найманий убивця
assassin assassinator killer wiper



murderer assassin slaughterer butcher serial killer gunman executioner hitman cutthroat slayer homicide


She touched the glass with the second killer trapped inside and shrank it back to a sphere the size of a fist, crushing him into nothing, and put it in her pocket.

The killer shifted once more but it was hard so close to a dragon, no longer as easy as breathing.

The killer returned a few minutes later and the second Elemental Man jumped to join him on the ground.

’‘Threats, killer.

’ And other things too, she thought, from the careful way he chose his words, but the killer clearly had no intention of explaining himself.

On that I insist, killer.

’ The killer took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

’For a moment the killer was silent.

If the killer wasn’t quick enough to stop her she’d fall and the storm-dark would eat her.

A killer appeared and slashed, severing a hatchling’s wing as he burned in the dragon’s fire.

Storming back down the wet streets with deliberate purpose, Priest went into criminal-minded mode as Antwan “Monster” Davis, that brutal killer he had convinced himself was dead, emerged and took over the show, bigger and badder than ever.